- 搜尋結果共有: 13369 篇,上次更新時間 : 2025-03-18 10:40:21
Estimation of prevalence and incidence of infantile spasms in Taiwan using capture-recapture method.
Epilepsy Res 2004;58(1):37-42.2004 閱讀更多
Costs per discharge and hospital ownership under prospective payment and cost-based reimbursement systems in Taiwan.
Health Policy Plan 2004;19(3):166-76.2004 閱讀更多
Late outcome of patients with aortic dissection: study of a national database.
Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2004;25(5):683-90.2004 閱讀更多
Antimicrobial usage in ambulatory patients with respiratory infections in Taiwan, 2001.
J Formos Med Assoc 2004;103(2):96-103.2004 閱讀更多
Changes before and after a policy to restrict antimicrobial usage in upper respiratory infections in Taiwan.
Int J Antimicrob Agents 2004;23(5):438-45.2004 閱讀更多
High incidence rate of hip fracture in Taiwan: estimated from a nationwide health insurance database.
Osteoporos Int 2004;15(12):998-1002.2004 閱讀更多
Prevalence of psychiatric disorders among National Health Insurance enrollees in Taiwan.
Psychiatr Serv 2004;55(6):691-7.2004 閱讀更多
Outpatient drug expenditures and prescription policies for diseases with high cost to the National Health Insurance system in Taiwan.
J Formos Med Assoc 2004;103(4):280-5.2004 閱讀更多
Prescription patterns of hypertension--National Health Insurance in Taiwan.
J Chin Med Assoc 2004;67(3):123-30.2004 閱讀更多
Mortality and causes of death in a national sample of diabetic patients in Taiwan.
Diabetes Care 2004;27(7):1605-9.2004 閱讀更多
Epidemiology of Haemophilus influenzae type b meningitis in Taiwan, 1997 and 2000.
J Microbiol Immunol Infect 2004;37(3):164-8.2004 閱讀更多
The incidence of varicella in southern Taiwan: a life table method estimation among susceptible population.
Vaccine 2004;22(21-22):2730-6.2004 閱讀更多
Utilization of well-baby care visits provided by Taiwan's National Health Insurance Program.
Soc Sci Med 2004;59(8):1647-59.2004 閱讀更多
The cost of schizophrenia treatment in Taiwan.
Psychiatr Serv 2004;55(8):928-30.2004 閱讀更多
How did dentists respond to the introduction of global budgets in Taiwan? An evaluation using individual panel data.
Int J Health Care Finance Econ 2004;4(4):307-26.2004 閱讀更多
Association of hospital ownership with patient transfers to outpatient care under a prospective payment system in Taiwan.
Health Policy 2004;69(1):11-9.2004 閱讀更多
Cost convergence between public and for-profit hospitals under prospective payment and high competition in Taiwan.
Health Serv Res 2004;39(6 Pt 2):2101-16.2004 閱讀更多
Effects of global budgeting on the distribution of dentists and use of dental care in Taiwan.
Health Serv Res 2004;39(6 Pt 2):2135-53.2004 閱讀更多
Association between maternal age and the likelihood of a cesarean section: a population-based multivariate logistic regression analysis.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2004;83(12):1178-83.2004 閱讀更多
Use of health care services and costs of psychiatric disorders among National Health Insurance enrollees in Taiwan.
Psychiatr Serv 2004;55(12):1427-30.2004 閱讀更多
搜尋結果共有: 13369 篇,上次更新時間 : 2025-03-18 10:40:21