- 搜尋結果共有: 13113 篇,上次更新時間 : 2025-02-08 16:50:17
How doctors practice evidence-based medicine.
J Eval Clin Pract 2013;19(1):44-9.2013 閱讀更多
Cancer incidence in patients with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder: a nationwide population-based study in Taiwan, 1997-2009.
Schizophr Bull 2013;39(2):407-16.2013 閱讀更多
Risk of myocardial infarction in women with pelvic inflammatory disease.
Int J Cardiol 2013;167(2):416-20.2013 閱讀更多
Second-generation antipsychotic medications and risk of pneumonia in schizophrenia.
Schizophr Bull 2013;39(3):648-57.2013 閱讀更多
Effectiveness of sulpiride in adult patients with schizophrenia.
Schizophr Bull 2013;39(3):673-83.2013 閱讀更多
A 3-year follow-up study on the risk of stroke among patients with conjunctival haemorrhage.
Acta Ophthalmol 2013;91(3):226-30.2013 閱讀更多
Prediction of ADHD to anxiety disorders: an 11-year national insurance data analysis in Taiwan.
J Atten Disord 2013;17(8):660-9.2013 閱讀更多
Rheumatoid arthritis prevalence, incidence, and mortality rates: a nationwide population study in Taiwan.
Rheumatol Int 2013;33(2):355-60.2013 閱讀更多
Impact of dialysis modality on the survival of end-stage renal disease patients with or without cardiovascular disease.
J Nephrol 2013;26(2):331-41.2013 閱讀更多
A retrospective population-based data analyses of unintentional fall mortality and hospitalisation in Taiwan during 2005-2007.
Int J Inj Contr Saf Promot 2013;20(1):50-8.2013 閱讀更多
Modest increase in risk of specific types of cancer types in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients.
Int J Cancer 2013;132(1):182-8.2013 閱讀更多
Risk of refracture associated with compliance and persistence with bisphosphonate therapy in Taiwan.
Osteoporos Int 2013;24(2):511-21.2013 閱讀更多
Increased risk of sexual dysfunction in male patients with psoriasis: a nationwide population-based follow-up study.
J Sex Med 2013;10(5):1212-8.2013 閱讀更多
Estimating the influence of physicians on the underuse of drugs in diabetic nephropathy in Taiwan.
J Nephrol 2013;26(1):16-24.2013 閱讀更多
Re-examining the significance of surgical volume to breast cancer survival and recurrence versus process quality of care in Taiwan.
Health Serv Res 2013;48(1):26-46.2013 閱讀更多
Increased stroke risk in Bell's palsy patients without steroid treatment.
Eur J Neurol 2013;20(4):616-22.2013 閱讀更多
Factors influencing antihypertensive medication compliance in Taiwan: a nationwide population-based study.
Eur J Prev Cardiol 2013;20(6):930-7.2013 閱讀更多
The impact of self-rated health on medical care utilization for older people with depressive symptoms.
Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2013;28(5):479-86.2013 閱讀更多
Psoriasis as initiator or amplifier of the systemic inflammatory march: impact on development of severe vascular events and implications for treatment strategy.
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2013;27(7):876-83.2013 閱讀更多
Long-term use of angiotensin II receptor blockers and risk of cancer: a population-based cohort analysis.
Int J Cardiol 2013;167(5):2162-6.2013 閱讀更多
搜尋結果共有: 13113 篇,上次更新時間 : 2025-02-08 16:50:17