- 搜尋結果共有: 13113 篇,上次更新時間 : 2025-02-15 15:40:19
Socioeconomic deprivation and associated risk factors of traumatic brain injury in children.
J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2012;73(5):1327-31.2012 閱讀更多
Positive association between hepatitis C infection and oral cavity cancer: a nationwide population-based cohort study in Taiwan.
PLoS One 2012;7(10):e48109.2012 閱讀更多
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the preferred approach in cirrhosis: a nationwide, population-based study.
HPB (Oxford) 2012;14(12):848-53.2012 閱讀更多
Risk of dementia in patients with insomnia and long-term use of hypnotics: a population-based retrospective cohort study.
PLoS One 2012;7(11):e49113.2012 閱讀更多
Using an integrated COC index and multilevel measurements to verify the care outcome of patients with multiple chronic conditions.
BMC Health Serv Res 2012;12():405.2012 閱讀更多
Utilization of statins and aspirin among patients with diabetes and hyperlipidemia: Taiwan, 1998-2006.
J Chin Med Assoc 2012;75(11):567-72.2012 閱讀更多
Association between nucleoside analogues and risk of hepatitis B virus–related hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence following liver resection.
JAMA 2012;308(18):1906-14.2012 閱讀更多
The risk of cellulitis in cirrhotic patients: a nationwide population-based study in taiwan.
Gut Liver 2012;6(4):482-5.2012 閱讀更多
Gout and subsequent increased risk of cardiovascular mortality in non-diabetics aged 50 and above: a population-based cohort study in Taiwan.
BMC Cardiovasc Disord 2012;12():108.2012 閱讀更多
The risk of developing non-melanoma skin cancer, lymphoma and melanoma in patients with psoriasis in Taiwan: a 10-year, population-based cohort study.
Int J Dermatol 2012;51(12):1454-60.2012 閱讀更多
Factors associated with subsequent eye care for children in Taiwan: a population-based historical cohort study.
Ophthalmic Epidemiol 2012;19(6):350-7.2012 閱讀更多
Allergy and risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a population-based and record-based study.
Am J Epidemiol 2012;176(11):970-8.2012 閱讀更多
Increased risk of affective disorders in type 2 diabetes is minimized by sulfonylurea and metformin combination: a population-based cohort study.
BMC Med 2012;10():150.2012 閱讀更多
How comorbidities and preoperative expenditures correlate with postoperative adverse outcomes.
Am J Manag Care 2012;18(11):e405-15.2012 閱讀更多
Infectious complications in head and neck cancer patients treated with cetuximab: propensity score and instrumental variable analysis.
PLoS One 2012;7(11):e50163.2012 閱讀更多
The impact of influenza vaccinations on the adverse effects and hospitalization rate in the elderly: a national based study in an Asian country.
PLoS One 2012;7(11):e50337.2012 閱讀更多
The role of chemoprevention by selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors in colorectal cancer patients - a population-based study.
BMC Cancer 2012;12():582.2012 閱讀更多
Incidence and prevalence rates of diabetes mellitus in Taiwan: analysis of the 2000-2009 Nationwide Health Insurance database.
J Formos Med Assoc 2012;111(11):599-604.2012 閱讀更多
Accountability, utilization and providers for diabetes management in Taiwan, 2000-2009: an analysis of the National Health Insurance database.
J Formos Med Assoc 2012;111(11):605-16.2012 閱讀更多
National trends in anti-diabetic treatment in Taiwan, 2000-2009.
J Formos Med Assoc 2012;111(11):617-24.2012 閱讀更多
搜尋結果共有: 13113 篇,上次更新時間 : 2025-02-15 15:40:19