- 搜尋結果共有: 12984 篇,上次更新時間 : 2025-01-25 19:10:19
Alendronate and raloxifene use related to cardiovascular diseases: differentiation by different dosing regimens of alendronate.
Clin Ther 2011;33(9):1173-9.2011 閱讀更多
Utilization of nuclear medicine scintigraphy in Taiwan, 1997-2009.
Ann Nucl Med 2011;25(10):818-24.2011 閱讀更多
General anaesthesia is associated with increased risk of surgical site infection after Caesarean delivery compared with neuraxial anaesthesia: a population-based study.
Br J Anaesth 2011;107(5):757-61.2011 閱讀更多
Increased risks of acute organ dysfunction and mortality in intensive care unit patients with schizophrenia: a nationwide population-based study.
Psychosom Med 2011;73(7):620-6.2011 閱讀更多
Impact of ezetimibe coadministered with statins on cardiovascular events following acute coronary syndrome: a 3-year population-based retrospective cohort study in Taiwan.
Clin Ther 2011;33(9):1120-31.2011 閱讀更多
Risk of herpes zoster in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: a three-year follow-up study using a nationwide population-based cohort.
Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2011;66(7):1177-82.2011 閱讀更多
Effect of the Pay-for-Performance Program for Breast Cancer Care in Taiwan.
J Oncol Pract 2011;7(3 Suppl):e8s-e15s.2011 閱讀更多
Incidence, cancer risk and mortality of dermatomyositis and polymyositis in Taiwan: a nationwide population study.
Br J Dermatol 2011;165(6):1273-9.2011 閱讀更多
Lung cancer and incidence of stroke: a population-based cohort study.
Stroke 2011;42(11):3034-9.2011 閱讀更多
Increase in stroke risk in patients with head and neck cancer: a retrospective cohort study.
Br J Cancer 2011;105(9):1419-23.2011 閱讀更多
Respiratory tract infection is the major cause of the ambulatory visits in children.
Ital J Pediatr 2011;37():43.2011 閱讀更多
Urbanization and the utilization of outpatient services under National Health Insurance in Taiwan.
Health Policy 2011;103(2-3):236-43.2011 閱讀更多
Trends in poisoning hospitalization and mortality in Taiwan, 1999-2008: a retrospective analysis.
BMC Public Health 2011;11():703.2011 閱讀更多
Bidirectional relation between schizophrenia and epilepsy: a population-based retrospective cohort study.
Epilepsia 2011;52(11):2036-42.2011 閱讀更多
Physicians' characteristics associated with repeat use of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.
J Formos Med Assoc 2011;110(9):587-92.2011 閱讀更多
Nationwide population-based epidemiologic study on cerebellar ataxia in Taiwan.
Eur Neurol 2011;66(4):215-9.2011 閱讀更多
Treatment incidence of and medical utilization for hospitalized subjects with pathologic fractures in Taiwan-Survey of the 2008 National Health Insurance data.
BMC Health Serv Res 2011;11():230.2011 閱讀更多
Anesthetic management as a risk factor for postpartum hemorrhage after cesarean deliveries.
Am J Obstet Gynecol 2011;205(5):462.e1-7.2011 閱讀更多
Water outage increases the risk of gastroenteritis and eyes and skin diseases.
BMC Public Health 2011;11():726.2011 閱讀更多
Predicting healthcare utilization using a pharmacy-based metric with the WHO's Anatomic Therapeutic Chemical algorithm.
Med Care 2011;49(11):1031-9.2011 閱讀更多
搜尋結果共有: 12984 篇,上次更新時間 : 2025-01-25 19:10:19